Chaoqi Liu

I'm a 3rd year undergrad at UIUC. I like robotics.




Chaoqi Liu, Yunzhu Li, Kris Hauser
Unconfined Graph-Based Neural Dynamics Model for Terrain Manipulation
2024, [webpage]

A scalable and efficient graph-based neural terrain dynamics (gbnd) by introducing fine-grained adaptive and automatic particle selection. The proposed framework is both orders of magnitude efficient and more accurate than previous gbnd.

Ramkumar Natarajan, Chaoqi Liu, Howie Choset, Maxim Likhachev
Implicit Graph Search for Planning on Graphs of Convex Sets
RSS 2024, [webpage], [paper], [arXiv]

A scalable and efficient way to plan on Graphs of Convex Sets (GCS) with stronger theoretical properties. We plan on GCS using a previously developed hybrid search-optimization framework called INSAT.

Teaching and Service

Course Assistant, CS233 Computer Architecture @ UIUC, 2023fa

Honor and Awards

UIUC Dean's List, 2022fa, 2023sp, 2023fa, 2024sp, 2024fa


I have consistently maintained a perfect 4.0 GPA, excelling with top grades of A/A+ in all of my Computer Science, Mathematics, and Statistics courses. A complete list can be found here.

εˆ˜ζ™δΌ is my name in Chinese. You can pronounce it as "Chow-Chee" for my first name and "Lee-oh" for my last name.

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